During May crossteach staff took part in a series of challenges to raise money for the work they do in schools. A challenge was triggered once the required amount had been raised.

The fortnight has passsed but you can still donate to crossteach by clicking here!

Thank you for helping us raise £6506!

Completed Challenges

We have raised over £1000! Watch Luke as he takes on the 'Dress up, press up challenge'.  Luke completed 60 press ups in 8 different crossteach costumes. All of the costumes that Luke wore are used in crossteach activities to make our teaching about Jesus engaging, memorable, and fun.

We have raised over £2000! Watch Brigid as she takes on the 'Genealogy Genius Challenge'. In the second video Brigid faces a challenging mastermind style quiz from Chris and Jess. This year teams have been taking pupils through a bible overview in clubs and lessons, covering many of the names found in the genealogy of Jesus.


We have raised over £3000! Watch Jo take on the 'Challenge a teenager' challenge. 95% of teenagers have no contact with a local church and so crossteach go to where they are.


We have raised over £4000. Watch Debs get very wet in the 'Pupils get their own back' challenge. Over 12,000 pupils have been taught about Jesus by crossteach schoolsworkers this academic year.


We have raised over £5000: Watch Jess complete the 'Beat The Hill Challenge'. Jess climbed Parliament Hill in North London, not once, but 20 times over the course of a day, representing the number of schools that Jess has taught in over the last year. Nationally crossteach schooslworkers have taught in 71 different schools this academic year.

We have raised over £6000: Watch Katharine play 10 well known assembly songs on her Cello before challenging crossteach staff to name as many as they can. Find out how many Jess and Brigid got right. So far this year pupils across the country have sung and heard the good news about Jesus in 211 crossteach assemblies.

Here are the challenges we didn't quite reach...

£7000: Amber's challenge was to run 1km for every school that the Warwickshire team have taught in this year. The team in Warwickshire have taught in 10 schools this year. Nationally crossteach schoolsworkers have delivered 242 RE lessons this year.


£8000: On a limited budget and without the use of his phone, Chris' challenge was to travel between the four crossteach areas within 12 hours. This year 8 schoolsworkers have worked in 71 different schools in Kent, London, Warwickshire, and Nottingham, teaching over 12,000 pupils about Jesus.

£9000: Alex's challenge was the 'Super Chilli Challenge': Eating increasingly hot chillies whilst being interviewed! You will be pleased to hear the snacks we give to pupils in our clubs aren't very hot. So far, nationally, the crossteach team have delivered 482 Christian lunch and after school clubs (That's a lot of snacks!).


£10,000: How quickly can you eat a doughnut without using your hands? How many post-it notes can you stick on your face? Wayne's challenge was to tackle a number of challeneges, attempting to break a new world record. Like beating a world record, every year we want to grow and improve, so that many more pupils across the country can hear the good news about Jesus.
